Inviting all Silver Surfers

Live at Home is a smaller Manx Charity based in Laxey, who strive to support the elderly population of the Isle of Man to live independently, at home, where they feel happiest. The service they provide to their members, that are part of the over 50’s population, helps independent living and combats loneliness. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year. Congratulations on turning Silver!

They hold regular social activities and monthly lunch clubs for their members. A team of volunteers help with their outings and charity fundraising events as well as provide one-to-one befriending. Initiatives include Care to Share, where cafes including Cycle 360, The Bohemian Coffee House and Café W in Waterstones, offer tables for people to meet and chat. Just look for the bee.

The Christmas shopping outing for members will take them to Tynwald Mills for the day including lunch, and two Big Christmas Parties are also planned, so that members can have Christmas dinner and enjoy the festive season together.

Their brand-new Digital Hub officially opened this week (Monday 23rd October 2023), offering both drop in and a home visit service, providing free learning and support to anyone who is struggling with digital connectivity. Enabling safe access across the internet and technical assistance with mobile devices, tablets and computers. They invite anyone over 50 who is interested to drop by and stay digitally connected. The team will help bridge that digital divide and build computer confidence.

On Friday, 3rd November between 6.30pm and 10pm they will be holding a ticketed Silent Art Auction fundraiser (with cheese and wine). Local artists from around the Island have generously donated their artwork. Tickets are available via Live at Home Charity Event 2023 (

For more information about the organisation or to become a member please visit the Salmon Lake Centre in Laxey or the Digital Hub in Laxey Village (the old post office) which is open Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm.

Contact or phone 627778

Isle of Man Live at Home