Old Kirk Braddan

Saddle Road, Braddan, IM4 4LB

Built in 1777, on even older religious grounds and used until 1876 when it was replaced by the new church. The Church contains its original box pews, gallery and a Georgian “three-decker” pulpit, with a lectern, minister’s pew and pulpit above. It now houses twelve Celtic and Norse crosses, from the period 800-1265, which were found in the parish. The most important being the Braddan Wheelhead Cross. Some are carved by Gaut, son of Bjorn, who came from the island of Coll in the Hebrides and settled on the Isle of Man between 950 – 1040 AD. The Church has two bells, in a bellcote on a small tower at the west end.

The Church grounds were used for Braddan’s Open Air Services started by the Rev. William Drury in 1856, attracting up to 35,000 visitors and continuing until 1987. The Church is still used occasionally for worship. The Churchyard was officially closed for burials in 1921. Braddan Cemetery has been used for burials since 1848.